How to Keep Writing: My Process for Short Stories in Late 2022

Conor Hilton recently asked on the Association for Mormon Letters Discord server about people’s process for writing short stories, specifically with the goal of having a regular process for producing work. My reply got a little long, so I thought I’d expand it further and turn it into a blog post.

leaves hang on rope
Photo by Designecologist on

I am still struggling to get back into a regular creative rhythm. Part of that is me getting too excited about all the different opportunities open to me and accidentally turning all my writing time into time confetti. But part of it is also that I am a baby fiction writer. In college, I developed a pretty good process for creating creative nonfiction on the regular (implementing that now is one of the aforementioned time-confetti creators) but developing fiction is a whole different animal.

With that caveat, for my last two short stories, my process has been something like this:

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Self Care and The Three Selves

I have a friend who struggles a lot with mental health issues. Recently, her therapist has mandated working on her sleep health (going to bed at a reasonable time, not using screens in bed, not sleeping during the day, etc). She was sort-of-pretend complaining on a Zoom call the other day about how she was “being mean to herself” by forcing herself to skip her typical three hour afternoon nap. I think she knew inside herself that it was necessary to skip afternoon naps in order to be able to get a full night’s sleep. But she still felt like not taking a nap was “mean.”

notebook with pen and green stems of plant near wristwatch
Photo by Jess Bailey Designs on

This conversation gets at the problem of the whole “self care” movement. The definition of caring for ourselves can mean different things to different people at different times. Sometimes a nap is self-care, sometimes it’s not. If you are occasionally exhausted, allowing yourself a break for a short nap is a kind and productive thing to do. But if you chronically stay up late and have trouble sleeping and end up crashing for three hours in the afternoon, then a nap becomes something unhealthy, a bad habit to break.  How do we make sense of this? 

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Reading Hard Books: Tips for Getting through Tough Prose

I’m currently reading two books that I’m struggling with. The first is East of Eden by John Steinbeck. I was required to read The Grapes of Wrath back in high school; didn’t like it. It was slow and dusty and dry. Still the creepiest ending of all time. Never thought I’d pick up another book by him, but now a book club that I’m participating in with some college friends is reading for the next two months, so here I am reading Steinbeck again. I expected it to be a slog, and it is, but it’s a classic and it’s an experience to put back on my English major hat.

The other book is A Deepness in the Sky by Vernor Vinge. I hadn’t expected this to be a slog, I have positive memories of the previous book, A Fire Upon the Deep, but now that I’m deep into this second one, I’m remembering that book was also a little dense. Something about Vinge’s writing style makes getting through the words hard, even though I like what’s going on. I think it’s maybe the world building style he has? I think he has an allergy to info dumps and therefore I feel very lost a lot of the time. Sometimes I’m five or ten minutes into a chapter before I figure out that we’ve switched characters and I don’t know where we are. Also, it turns out to be not a sequel but a prequel about one specific character, so I’m not getting more wolf aliens, which is a bummer.

Giving up on books that aren’t right for you (right now, or even ever) is a totally okay thing to do. I’ve been getting better at this. But what do you do when you have a book you really want to read but you’re struggling to make it through the words? I really want to finish both these books, so I’ve been working on ideas. A couple of tips I’m using:

* Discuss it with other people. The book club that’s reading East of Eden had a midway check-in last week. (I was only 1/3 in, but whatever.) I was so glad to find that there were other people in the group struggling with the book. We were able to pin down a few things that make it hard to read (lots of telling, not showing; difficult to believe/like characters), which is very cathartic. But we also talked about why we still wanted to keep going in spite of that. Did you know that East of Eden sold 50,000 copies last year? (How many of those were people assigned to read it? Not clear.) We talked about the symbolism behind the characters we struggled with, which made them a lot easier to understand. I left feeling encouraged to continue with the book. 

* If you don’t have someone to read it with in real life, try looking up critical conversations about the book. Even just reading the Wikipedia article about East of Eden helped me know what a big influence this book really has been on our culture and what Steinbeck was trying to accomplish. Some books might not be for you, but are important enough influences that you want to struggle through them anyway. Doing some research can help you decide whether continuing is worth it, and also help you know what to look for when you’re reading, which can make it more interesting.

* Play the percentages game. This is a trick I learned from long distance running. One of the main preoccupations that keeps me going on a 12 mile long slog is figuring out exactly how much distance I have left. I am constantly calculating what fraction of the way there I am, or exactly how much longer I have. Likewise, both these books are due back at the library soon, so I’ve calculated what percentage of the book I need to read each day to finish on time. I don’t always meet my reading goal for the day, but seeing that percentage on my Kindle or the hours on my audiobook tick slowly down gives me some of the satisfaction that I am not currently getting from the plot line.

Do you push through books that you don’t enjoy reading? Or do you just put them down? Theoretically, I’m in favor of reading difficult books, but I have a hard time actually doing it, especially when the difficulty is in the prose not the plot.


In other news, yesterday I saw this call for papers on Mormonism and Science Fiction on Facebook and got super excited. I got even more excited when I scrolled through the resources and found my recent series of blog posts listed on there with Michael Colling’s stuff that I read back in college when I wrote the initial paper. This is what it looks like when the internet works! You send stuff out into the void on the tiny niche of things you love, and then you discover that there are other people out there who are interested in this thing. Anyway, I’m really excited to start developing some ideas for this call. In fact, I don’t know how I’m going to narrow down my ideas. (Now my problem is figuring out how I’m going to get back into the BYU library while I’m down there, since there’s a lot of this stuff that isn’t available online.)


Also, is anyone else devastated that the original creators have left the Avatar: The Last Airbender live-action remake on Netflix? I just can’t imagine this going anywhere good, and Avatar deserves better. I’m also dying of curiosity to find out what the disagreement was about. Ah well.

Finding Motivation to Write During Hard Times with 4thewords

Well hello again.

Like many others, my writing productivity has suffered during the pandemic. I went from having mornings free of kids to pursue my writing (and physical therapy) to suddenly supervising four kids learning at home. (Stop me if you’ve heard this one.) It was stressful and many times it was all I could do to get the kids through their school work in the morning and spend the rest of the day on the couch, obsessively reading Google News and Facebook.

4thewords Logo

After a month or two, I started building a foundation that allowed me to come out of hibernation. Honestly, I was forced to. I had agreed in February to write a blog post due in June, and my deadline was fast approaching. I had to find some way to come out of my funk and get some kind of work done.

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3 Tools for NaNoWriMo Fantasy Writers, Including the Best Map Maker Ever

As I’ve prepped for NaNoWriMo this month, I’ve discovered something: worldbuilding is hard.

Well-thought-through worlds and logical magic systems are some of my favorite parts of the fantasy genre. Until I tried to make one. It is hard! So much work goes into making up a lot of things that will never go on the page, but that you need as background to even start creating a plot.

My respect goes out to those epic world builders who make this process look effortless. I am not one of those. I don’t have fully formed fantasy worlds and ideas just lying around, and I need to come up with them fast. (NaNo cometh!)

I’ve found a few tools this month that have allowed me to take lots of shortcuts (shh!) in getting my fantasy world into shape and let me spend more time on characters and plot:

  1. Azgaar’s Fantasy Map Generator – Exactly like the title says, this is a fantasy map generator, but it’s really so much more! Not only can you choose the type of map you need (Civilization style–continents, archipelego, etc.) and how many countries, but you can set the number of religions and cultures you want. You can select a base language structure for the names of each country/culture and it will name all the rivers and towns for you, give you historical sites, show you the boundaries on different religions and give you a basic structure. Then you can customize the random map with drawing tools. Not only is it nice to have a map, but the generated religions and cultures can give you great ideas for plot conflict: why is this country split into two different cultures and what do they disagree about?
  2. TV Tropes – If you want to know about a cliche idea in television or literature, it’s here. This was a great way for me to look up what elemental magic systems had been done before and their variations. I found some interesting ideas that I was able to pull into my work. Also great for finding out what promises you’re making to your reader by picking certain tropes so you can either fulfill or play with audience expectations. And I feel like the random trope button is going to be a great tool for when I get stuck during NaNoWriMo. Instant plot idea! Just don’t let the fact that everything has been done before get to you.
  3. Springhole’s Random Generators – This site has random generators for so many different things. I’ve specifically been using the character flaws and motivations ones as I brainstorm characters other than the main character idea I had to start with. They have generators for everything. So helpful in getting creative juices flowing.

So those are the things saving my (writing) life right now. I had to throw out my novel’s plot last week and start over, as it started to become a depressing war novel that I didn’t want to write. But I’m soldiering on.

How’s your NaNoWriMo (or other project) going right now?