On Mormon Rock Star Status, Brandon Sanderson, and Orson Scott Card

What does it mean to be a Latter-day Saint rock star?

This week, an acquaintance I met at ICFA emailed me a question:

As a Mormon fantasy scholar, what do you think of Brandon Sanderson? I mean, love him and I’m teaching The Emperor’s Soul in my fantasy fiction class next year, but as a local boy made good, I’m just kinda curious about whether he has, like … Elvis Presley status within LDS circles.

Gotta love the B-Money persona

Obviously, this was a very dangerous question thing to do and resulted in me typing a three-paragraph email instead of making breakfast for my kids. But this question has been rolling around in my head for a few days now, so I figured I would try to put my thoughts together into a more cohesive format for your perusal.

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