NaNoWriMo Week 2 Debrief

Been feeling pretty good this week. Got tired by Friday but a break all day Saturday has me fired up to go again. About 1000 words behind my personal timeline, but ahead of the NaNoWriMo website goal, so I’ll call it even. Notes from this week:

  • The details of my magic system are finally coming to me as I’m writing situations in which my characters have to use it. I guess discovery writing does work. I’m really happy with the way it’s coming together, as one of my biggest fears about fiction writing is not having any ideas.
  • Though I love my favorite writing podcasts, I found that listening to good fiction right before writing made it easier to start. I’ve been listening to Howl’s Moving Castle this week and I’ve been much more productive. (Also, incidentally, Dianna Wynne Jones is clearly a discovery writer with a meandering plot and she doesn’t explain tons about the magic and yet it works so well. Very heartening.)
  • For writing scenes with lots of dialogue, I have found it easier to spew out a lot of lines of discussion and ideas I want to include and then go back and add in the stage directions and who says what. As I do, the dialogue also gets refined.
  • Everyone has crappy first drafts. Even Brandon Sanderson. Keep going so you’ll at least have something to fix.

Author: Liz Busby

Liz Busby is a writer of creative non-fiction, technical writing, and speculative fiction. She loves reading science fiction, fantasy, history, science writing, and self help, as well as pretty much anything that holds still for long enough.