NaNo Prep 2019 Recap: Lessons of a First-Time Fiction Writer

  • World-building is hard. I almost wanted to give up and write a realistic novel because it would be so nice to just do some research and come up with a right answer. Deciding on details past the initial idea is super difficult, without relying too much on classic cliches. Kudos to all the scifi/fantasy writers who make this look effortless.
  • If you don’t like the way your book is going, you can change it! And the sooner you scrap what you don’t like, the more time you have to spend on what you do like. I had plotted out a whole war between three nations in my book. Then my book started morphing into a depressing war novel that I didn’t want to write. Saving that plot somewhere else and starting over was a great choice.
  • Plots require both internal and external action. After scrapping the war, I tried to re-outline my book and found that nothing was happening in it. My main character was still making internal progress because a lot of the plotting advice I was following focused on character arcs. But there was nothing to happen on screen while my character worked on her insecurities. I had to swing my planning away from character for a while to focus on having something happen.
  • Novel planning is a balance between planning and pantsing, even if you are otherwise a heavy planner. In other areas of my life, I have a spreadsheet for everything. After a few false starts with more organized plot methods, I ended up using the snowflake method to plot my book. And the steps where you expand the summary of your book (steps 2, 4, & 6) inevitably led me off in weird directions which turned into whole subplots of the book. The difference between plotters and pantsers is when they take these diversions, not if they take them.
  • Don’t give into the first hour anxiety. Everything you do looks terrible in that first hour because it’s hard to get back into it. Stick with it into the second hour and you’ll fall in love again.

Tomorrow is the big day! I’m terrified but excited.

3 Tools for NaNoWriMo Fantasy Writers, Including the Best Map Maker Ever

As I’ve prepped for NaNoWriMo this month, I’ve discovered something: worldbuilding is hard.

Well-thought-through worlds and logical magic systems are some of my favorite parts of the fantasy genre. Until I tried to make one. It is hard! So much work goes into making up a lot of things that will never go on the page, but that you need as background to even start creating a plot.

My respect goes out to those epic world builders who make this process look effortless. I am not one of those. I don’t have fully formed fantasy worlds and ideas just lying around, and I need to come up with them fast. (NaNo cometh!)

I’ve found a few tools this month that have allowed me to take lots of shortcuts (shh!) in getting my fantasy world into shape and let me spend more time on characters and plot:

  1. Azgaar’s Fantasy Map Generator – Exactly like the title says, this is a fantasy map generator, but it’s really so much more! Not only can you choose the type of map you need (Civilization style–continents, archipelego, etc.) and how many countries, but you can set the number of religions and cultures you want. You can select a base language structure for the names of each country/culture and it will name all the rivers and towns for you, give you historical sites, show you the boundaries on different religions and give you a basic structure. Then you can customize the random map with drawing tools. Not only is it nice to have a map, but the generated religions and cultures can give you great ideas for plot conflict: why is this country split into two different cultures and what do they disagree about?
  2. TV Tropes – If you want to know about a cliche idea in television or literature, it’s here. This was a great way for me to look up what elemental magic systems had been done before and their variations. I found some interesting ideas that I was able to pull into my work. Also great for finding out what promises you’re making to your reader by picking certain tropes so you can either fulfill or play with audience expectations. And I feel like the random trope button is going to be a great tool for when I get stuck during NaNoWriMo. Instant plot idea! Just don’t let the fact that everything has been done before get to you.
  3. Springhole’s Random Generators – This site has random generators for so many different things. I’ve specifically been using the character flaws and motivations ones as I brainstorm characters other than the main character idea I had to start with. They have generators for everything. So helpful in getting creative juices flowing.

So those are the things saving my (writing) life right now. I had to throw out my novel’s plot last week and start over, as it started to become a depressing war novel that I didn’t want to write. But I’m soldiering on.

How’s your NaNoWriMo (or other project) going right now?

Write About Dragons: Going from Creative Non-fiction to Speculative Fiction

In college, I participated in a life changing study abroad program where we focused on writing personal essays. Our only assignment as we hiked across the Lake District and moors of England was to complete 200 pages of journal writing from which we would then construct a few finished essays. The group continued on into a class the next semester where we workshopped these essays and talked about writing.

And I loved it! I found that essay writing was merely a more structured version of what went on in my head constantly, making meaning out of everyday events, seeing patterns, telling stories. I was already leaning towards it in my first forays into blog writing (part of what got me into the program in the first place). I have continued to compose essays in my head and sometimes on paper through the years.

But then I noticed something: I almost never read creative non-fiction.

Sure, I enjoy an occasional biography. I love Bill Bryson’s work and I read a lot of popular science books. But memoir was never what I reached for, not usually in that backlog of titles sitting on my metaphorical Goodreads shelf. When I realized this, I started to force myself to read more books like what I thought I would write someday, but it never ceased to be a chore.

What did appear on my shelves, almost unbidden, perhaps summoned by magic, were science fiction and fantasy books. When I first started reading independently, I picked up A Wrinkle in Time, the Wizard of Oz series, and the Chronicles of Narnia. After reading The Giver in fourth grade, I reread it almost every year until I graduated from high school. I picked up Ender’s Game and Dealing with Dragons in middle school, read everything by Tamora Piece and Anne McCaffery in high school. Not even to mention Harry Potter, which goes without saying for my generation.

Since I grew up in a family of nerds, I didn’t realize that speculative fiction was not what everyone read until I started taking my English major courses in college. When I realized the academic disdain for fantasy, I was baffled. To me, it was the default genre. Why read a mystery when you could read a mystery with dragons? Why read a romance when you could read a romance with magic?

And yet, when I thought of my own writing career, I never considered writing what I really loved reading. Well, that’s untrue to say. I wrote some fan fiction in high school, as one does, but I found writing about real things so much easier. Creative non-fiction curates real events and then gives them meaning. I did this almost without thought in my daily life, so essay writing was merely pinning down my internal dialogue and subjecting it to reason.

Fiction, on the other hand, involves the creation of the events themselves, and in speculative fiction, that goes double since you must create the whole world, its history, and sometimes new laws of physics. Coming up with characters and plots has always been difficult for me. I was always shy about acting as a kid, and though I read about fantastic worlds, I never pretended they were real, never made up imaginary friends. My childhood imaginary worlds consisted mostly of making maps and currency, two aspects that seemed much safer somehow.

Part of this was the fear of looking ridiculous, of having my ideas be derivative or simple. Yet science fiction and fantasy are the community I love, the people I’d want to meet and the things I’d want to see. So off I march into the dark, leaving what I know how to do behind and trying something else.

I’m think some of the skills that creative non-fiction taught me can transfer over, like finding the internal meaning in external events. Every story is about characters’ need to grow and change.

These ones just involve dragons.

Embarking Again

I have written a post like this several times over the years on various blogs, announcing I am really, for reals this time, going to start being serious about writing. Obviously, the fact that I’m writing this again means that I have failed every time before now.

Then why keep going?

I have written a post like this several times over the years on various blogs, announcing I am really, for reals this time, going to start being serious about writing. Obviously, the fact that I’m writing this again means that I have failed every time before now.

Then why keep going? I have learned from running half marathons that you have to keep picking yourself up and trying again. If your first attempt ends in an injury and you have to stop running for months, you have to pick yourself up and try again. Even as people pass you and you’re hitting the wall and you can’t believe you ever thought you could do this, you have to keep going. Every extra step you take this time is progress. Moving from a 13 minute mile to a 12 minute mile feels like nothing when you see people effortlessly running 8 minute miles, but it is not nothing. No effort is lost in the universe.

How do you keep yourself from feeling like a failure when you are not able to power through? The most truthful answer would be, “I don’t know.” I feel the jealousy, the sadness of watching friends doing the things I wish I could be doing. Fighting the battle against comparison is a tough journey. A more extended answer is in my one publication from this fallow period.

Then why keep going? Why restart? Because I have learned that my identity is not my successes and failures, and it’s not whether someone else has succeed or failed more than me. My identity is my intentions and goals. I restart because this is who I am. Inside, I am a writer, and I can’t give up just because I went through a season without any harvest.

What’s different this time? This time, my kids are older, for one. My older kids can unload dishwashers and clean bathrooms, and I am finally coming out of the sheer exhaustion of caring for a baby. My youngest is at preschool for a few hours each day, which I hope to jealously guard for writing time.

But more than this, my kids are to the point where they can be a support. Yesterday during family prayer, my son prayed unprompted for Mom to be able to finish her book. Even though I’m barely at the beginning of this journey, I nearly cried to know that my son believes in me and wants me to succeed. They will all watch me to see if it is possible to do something hard, something you’ve always wanted to do.

Then why keep going? Why restart? Because I want my children, and myself, to see that eventually, if you work hard enough and keep getting up, dreams are possible. I want to show myself that I can do what I’ve set out to do. To take some of the mental toughness I’ve gained in running and apply that to my first love, my writing.

Frodo and Sam’s journey began by simply moving further from home than they had ever been. Even if I only move one step farther than I’ve been before, that will be enough.

So let the journey begin, until the next time I can start again.